Get premium talent qualified by our expert guarantors
The IT recruitment process has become very fast-paced and fraught with modern-day, real-world challenges – hyper-connectivity, speed, cost, and expertise and quality guarantee. We overcome these challenges and one of our innovative and unique solutions enabling us to achieve this, is our Guarantors’ Program. Discover more about our methodology below or talk to us fo find out how the program can help you.

The Guarantors’
Program process
Our Guarantors’ Program is great for both clients and candidates.
Clients receive only quality profiles to save time and narrow the focus. Candidates are assessed and selected by the Simplity group's experts who are involved in the same business function with multiple years of real-world experience. This means you will have a mutual quality expert conversation.
Get better candidates, expert insights and more.

Your specialized recruitment partner

Data and data intelligence

Trust and reliability